National education policy

New National education policy 2020 | Will this empower India ?

On 30th July 2020, The union cabinet approved the new National education policy NEP in the year 2020. Today pm 017/08/2020, PM of India addresses conclave on transformational reforms in higher education under NEP. Let’s check today’s highlights for it

This policy will be highly beneficial for India, More easy rules, easier to implement, It took 4 years to properly plan National education policy, Public from different states, cities are must contribute to reform NEP by reviewing it, discussing it and sharing their views. Prime minister also stated that this policy has been thoroughly studied and there are no negative reviews aspects in this policy.

More people discuss these things more beneficial the outcome will be, said the Prime minister of India.

Pm also Congratulated the whole team which was working from the past 4 years to update the NEP as the previous NEP had some flaws and the citizens of India actually wanted a change in the education system. Let’s check today’s highlights on NEP 2020.

National Education Policy 2020 Highlights:

  • New Education policy is made fully future-ready which will help Indians to grow
  • The new policy will concentrate on Subject wise education (If you’re good at coding, you must learn only coding and no other unwanted subject)
  • Education platform will be made in a virtual way so that a student can study a topic more briefly
  • 5+3+3+4 education system will replace the old 10 + 2 system with the age group of 3-8, 8-11, 11-14, and 14-18 years.
  • Til standard 5, students can complete their education in their mother tongue, Learning in mother tongue will clear the main base of education for a student said, Mr.Narendra Modi
  •  The studying atmosphere will be made virtually so the requirement of Long books and big chapters won’t be necessary
  • Multiple Entry-exit will be enabled in the National education policy, which will help students to switch from one course to another.
  • NEP will end the gap between education and research
  • Traning institutes must follow the new policy.

These were the main highlights of NEP

Few important things Mr Modi said about National education Policy


  • Concept of Virtual labs will be implemented which will improve the way of learning and will create more interest in the particular field
  • Students should learn through new learning techniques which is to discover, discuss, and analyze.
  • Every working professional must reskill and upskill themselves with the upcoming technology
  • India has the potential to deliver Talent and technology to the whole world.
  • There will be a total Focus on Coding and research.
  • Students of India need to serve the country first and help the upcoming youth.
  • Teachers need to update their skills on regular basis

If you want to check the full video you can watch it below or here

This is the total highlights for NEP 2020, This step will boost Digital India and will help students as well as teachers to evolve with new things in their day to day life. What do you think about this? Will this improve the path to education or not? Let me know in the comment section below.

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